Countdown to Deep Breath

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Previously,I did a Sixth Doctor "Joseph and he's amazing technicolor dreamcoat" blog. Today,I'm going to do something similar only with Doctor 7.
With the Seventh Doctor's frankly weird obsessions with question marks,you'd half expect him to be the Riddler. So why didn't Christopher Nolan cast Sylvestor McCoy in the Batman movies? You could just imagine him saying with he's broad scottish accent "You'll never stop me,Batman. I'll feed you haggis until you drop!". Then,obviously,Ace would walk in and ruin it by saying "Ey,professah! Come see me new cricket bat!". If we're going to delve further into Doctor Who stars being cast as Batman characters,then who better to be cast as Batman than Christopher Eccleston? This would be a example of the dialogue:
"My parent's deaths weren't fantastic. It was the worst moment of my life. So I ate some bananas. And then I ate some more. And then I ate some more."
Although if that happened,it'd be more Banana-Man to be perfectly honest.

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